Connect Your Kafka Cluster

Connecting UP9 to Kafka requires a connected agent.
If you haven't installed UP9 yet, follow our getting started docs for Kubernetes or Docker.

Once logged in, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select your cluster (e.g. mk-local).
  3. Scroll down and enter the Kafka connection string (e.g. broker1:9092,broker2:9092).
    If you are using secured connections (usually port 9094) select the SSL/TLS checkbox.
  4. Click SAVE to submit the new Kafka connection string.

kafka settings

Topic contracts, traffic log, and troubleshooting

UP9 will connect to your Kafka cluster and observe all topics.

Within a few minutes, UP9 will list all Kafka topics. For every topic you can view its JSON schemas and traffic samples, and poke the topics by sending events directly from the UP9 app.

kafka observability


For support, feel free to use any one of the three: